Notification Manager
Value | Explanation | Required |
Notification Prefab | This is the prefab that includes the design of the notification | Yes |
Value | Explanation |
Notification List | Allows the support of displaying multiple notifications at once |
Remove Duplicates | If there are multiple notifications sent with the same title and subtitle, then it will only be displayed once |
Default Value
These are used if there's no override value assigned when the function was called in code
Value | Explanation |
Default Notification Sprite | The fallback sprite of the notifications |
Default Notification Audio Clip | The fallback notification sound effect |
Multiple Notifications
Value | Explanation |
Multiple Notifications | Allows the support of multiple notifications |
Max Notifications | Maximum number of notifications on screen, if for example you set this value to 4 you have 6 notifications in queue, then only 4 will be displayed until the first notification times out and displays the next one in queue |
Notifications Holder | The parent game object used to hold all the notifications, usually a includes a Vertical Layout to organize the view |