Ultimate Music Player 2.1.0 Help


Ultimate Music Player helps you take your game audio to the next level using a well-designed music player, whether it's a simple game or a AAA one, you will have the ability to implement a music player like the ones available in popular games, or just have a simple one without HUD

Easy to set up

Just drag the prefab to your scene and assign the music to the prefab, that's it!

Advanced music player

With the help of this asset, an advanced player can be easily made, there's a demo scene and a prefab that shows how an advanced player is done, it supports play/pause, next/previous song buttons, shuffle, loop, time slider, and it shows the original, song name, and artist name

Game-ready prefabs

  • Elegant

  • Normal

  • Simple Player (No HUD)

  • Advanced Music Player

Last modified: 23 October 2023