Ultimate Save And Load 2.0.0 Help


This is a binary save system, you can save all the basic objects like float, string, int, etc. This system can be easily expanded on, it also supports quick save, save slots (profiles), and can be easily connected to any cloud save system

Supported Types

int, float, string, bool, vector2, vector3, vector4


This asset is used to save/load objects in a physics building game, this code is stress tested to handle a huge amount of objects spawned by the player, it's also used for normal stuff like saving player progress and so on

Simple to Use

You can call any of these methods by your script to save/load (SaveInt, SaveBoolean, SaveFloat, SaveString, etc.) To load just use Load instead of Save like so (LoadInt) You first need to call SaveAndLoad script then call any supported method from above like SaveInt) then pass a unique key and the value you want SaveAndLoad.SaveInt(key, value);

Complete Projects Support

This asset will be compatible with the current and all the upcoming IntenseNation’s complete projects, and it will be implemented and ready-to-go to help ease the saving and loading process

Last modified: 20 October 2023