Ultimate Save And Load 2.0.0 Help

Force Load File

You can force load any save file from the storage drive.

How loading works

Loading is a heavy process on the storage device, especially for big files. To improve performance, saving and loading is held by a list which contains all the saved objects

Whenever you load a key, the USAL automatically loads the file from storage before retrieving that value of the key you loaded

Why force load files

This is usually useful when you want to completely change the save file being used. Use cases are:

  • When changing save profiles

  • When starting a new game, without resetting the progress.

When to force load

Since loading a file may lag the game for a moment, it's best to load in one of the following situations:

  • When in main menu screen

  • When in pause screen

How to force load

You can call this function to ignore all the unsaved changes and load the file from the storage


Loading another save file

You will need to call the Load from file function and pass the target save file name to it

SaveAndLoad.LoadFile(string saveName);
Last modified: 20 October 2023